Can Labrador Retrievers Be Guard Dogs? (Briefly Explained)


Whether you’re nervous about a break-in or just concerned about adding a bit additional security to your house, a guard dog can not only be an excellent alarm system; however, it can also be the first line of protection against a home assault. Labradors are very prevalent pets; however, can Labrador retrievers be guard dogs? Labradors are not good guard dogs, even though they can be trained as guard canines. 

Labrador retrievers are approachable, so it’s hard to teach these dogs to be defensive. They are trustworthy to their family and are protective towards their homes; however, they aren’t characteristically guard dogs.

There are techniques to make a Lab a good guard dog. It is possible due to training as well as personality. Discover more about guard dogs as well as Labradors to see if training a Lab to be a good guard dog is an option for you.

Watchdogs vs. Guard Dogs: What is the difference?

Both watchdogs, as well as guard dogs, make excellent additions to your home security; however, you should note the difference between a guard dog as well as a watchdog. No, they are not the similar thing. 

Plenty of dogs are good watchdogs; however, a dog is trained to be the guard dog. Thus, what’s the difference, and which task is a Labrador best suited for?


A watchdog will warn of invaders. This can mean your kid coming to visit, or it can mean an intruder. You can train a watchdog to woof only at individuals they don’t know. It all relies on the level of training as well as the dog’s behavior. Watchdogs don’t engage outsiders. In its place, they alert you that there is something wrong. They are like alarms that snuggle. 

As Labradors love to be busy and caring, you can train these dogs to be effective watchdogs. If you do not train them well, they might become bored with watching your house and start nosing around the lawn or something else. Usually, Labradors make excellent watchdogs.


Unlike watchdogs, guard dogs will attack. These dogs are trained to be alert for danger and to guard against it. If you are seeking more than just an alarm for your security, a guard dog can do the trick. They are courageous, strong, and usually larger than other canines. The one disadvantage of guard dogs is that they aren’t usually good kids or guests.

Labs are the right for a guard dog; however, they are very welcoming. Although it might be promising to train your dog to be a guard dog, they are not generally the best choice as they want to make friends with everybody.

What Makes a Good Guard Dog?

Several factors go into a good guard dog. The dog must suit well with your family self-motivated, be well trained and can defend your home. Let’s have a closer look at all the factors.

Family Dog: Whether or not you have kids might have an impact on what kind of dog you select to be your watchdog. Watchdogs can be aggressive; thus, you’ll need one that is also safe for your family.

Well-trained: You don’t need your guard dog attacking everybody who walks past your barrier; however, you also don’t need them to back down from combat once a fight is needed. A good guard dog is trained to be inside of the spectrum.

Size: Not every pooch is made to be a guard dog. Your selection must be a big dog that is courageous and aggressively faithful. Small dogs don’t have what it needs to be a good guard dog.

Numerous dogs fit into these conditions. There is a list of dog breeds that are fit for the task of having your house as well as your family safe. I have listed some of my favourites here:

  • German shepherd
  • Doberman
  • Mastiff
  • Pit Bull
  • St. Bernard

How to Train a Lab to Be a Guard Dog? 7 Steps

If you want to train your family Lab to be a guard dog, you can do it. It might be the ideal thing for your family as Labradors are some of the approachable and most faithful dogs. They can be good with children and visitors; however, still attack visitors once you want them to. You can train a Lab to be a guard dog by following these seven steps given below:

  1. Train your pooch in basic commands, such as sit, rollover, as well as stay.
  2. Wear suitable protective gear.
  3. Put your hand ahead of the dog’s face and say attack. Continue until your dog understands.
  4. Strengthen the behavior with rewards, such as affirmations and dog treats.
  5. Repeat the same training but with a dummy of a good distance away.
  6. Train your pooch to “stop” on command by telling your dog to attack, then grasping him back and saying, “Stop.”
  7. You need a friend to pretend the protective gear and view a distance away, after that tell your pooch to, “attack,” and then, “stop.”

Repeat all steps as frequently as needed for your pooch to learn the behavior. Keep in mind, that Labradors require positive reinforcement. They have to see they are doing an excellent job; therefore, ensure to give them plenty of love and treats once they do something good.


Can Labrador retrievers fight with other dogs?

The answer is yes, Labradors are thought to be persistent dogs. But, it is significant to remember that it is not essentially a bad thing and that with appropriate training, the obstinacy of a Labrador dog can be a positive thing.

Final Thoughts: Can Labrador Retrievers Be Guard Dogs? 

It’s no secret that Labs are the most prevalent dogs in America. nowadays. However, Can Labrador Retrievers Be Guard Dogs? Labradors are not good guard dogs, even though they can be trained as guard dogs. Early training at the age of 8 to 12 weeks can make your Lab a good guard dog. Employing an excellent trainer for guard dogs will aid you in winning consistent, long-lasting outcomes. Constant reinforcement will be needed with this dog breed.

Labradors are not the best guard dog choice available; however, they are faithful, trainable, and can become nasty when required.

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