How to Carry a Large Dog Upstairs? 5 Steps

how to carry a large dog upstairs

There are several reasons why big dogs can’t climb stairs. When you learn how to carry a dog properly, you will prevent your dog from becoming immobile in one area of your house. Furthermore, you can make your carrying capacity better by using lifting harnesses. In this article, we will teach you how to carry a large dog upstairs.

You must know where to hold a large dog if you want to carry it upstairs with great care. It takes time and patience to learn, so don’t expect to learn it right away. Be patient and follow my guide on how to carry a giant dog upstairs.

How to Carry a Large Dog Upstairs? 5 Simple Steps

Your dog can always be carried up the stairs if he is having trouble climbing up them. But how to carry a dog upstairs if it is too big or heavy? That requires several steps. Let’s take a look!

  1. Grasp both sets of legs with both arms

Holding the large dog properly is the first step. You should wrap both sets of legs around your arms when carrying a large dog. In this exercise, you want to wrap both arms around the front set of legs while the other arm is wrapped around the back. It is important not to lower your arms too low while performing this exercise.

  1. Holding at the right level

It is important to hold your dog properly when carrying a large dog upstairs. Ideally, you should set the dog’s head at stomach level. This way, if the dog moves, it won’t slip. If it isn’t set at this height, you may need to be patient. When lifting a large dog upstairs, your stomach is a good “center” point that will assist you in maintaining balance.

  1. Starting easy

Climbing stairs can be difficult, let alone when you have a heavy dog! To carry the dog effectively, you will need to practice on a flat surface first. The dog can be held perfectly this way, so you will learn how to hold it during the climb. This will give you an idea of how the dog’s weight is divided, whether he moves around often, and what to expect from him in the future.

  1. Go upstairs

You can then start stepping with your dog after you’ve practiced at ground level. Begin by taking one small step at a time and being relaxed. Afterward, you can move on to the next step if you know what you’re doing.

  1. Going down

The next step is to bring your dog back down after you have mastered ascending. It is easier to get down because you won’t have to push your dog’s weight like you did when going up. Your pet may make it difficult for you to see because it may block your view.

The main method for moving your dog upstairs is now clear to you. Recognizing that this process is not easy is one of the most important steps in this process. It takes a lot of practice on your part as well as a lot of patience.

Do not punish your dog for not remaining still when being carried if he doesn’t remain still. Being patient with them should always be a priority. As if they were your children, you should always be consistent with them.

Different methods to choose if your dog is too heavy to lift.

  1. Covering Stairs with Carpets

Invest in carpeting for the stairs. You can help your dog’s mobility when you simply cover the floors in your home with more traction. Your dog will have a much easier time walking in your house if you cover not only your steps but also all slippery surfaces.

  1. Get a Ramp

Consider getting a ramp or ramps to help move dogs up to elevated levels. The elderly dog can move more easily on an incline than on a staircase. In addition to ramps that are useful for getting into and out of vehicles and moving up steps, they can also help get onto beds or couches. It is ideal to have an anti-slip ramp.

  1. Get a Harness

If your larger dog needs a mobility harness, think about investing in one. As we all recognize, it’s not always probable to carry a large dog 24/7. Thus, this is where the aid of gear would come in handy. It is known as a lifting harness. You can purchase one created for large dogs at the shop or online.

When your dog loses balance and needs help climbing stairs or ramps, this tool helps to provide strength to its hindquarters.

There are harnesses made for supporting dogs suffering from movement problems, and some consistent harnesses have handles to aid lift. Similarly, some can be present for large canines that aid you carry dogs like a bag on your back.

The harness contains two handles. One handle just above the dog’s tail base and an additional one between your dog’s shoulder blades. By this, you can simply aid your dog up the stairs by lifting one or both handles even though they are walking up the stairs.

Frequently Asked Questions

QWhat is the best way to move a large dog that cannot walk?

When moving a large dog with an injury, a stretcher is the safest way to do it. As long as the dog can be secured safely, any firm, flat object can be used. Take care not to twist the dog’s neck, back, or legs. It is advisable to hold the head roughly 30 percent higher than its hindquarters.

QWhat is the best way to lift a heavy dog?

To support her upper body, slide one hand under her breasts and between her front legs. Then approach her rump with the other hand. While you stand to your feet, hold your dog tightly and slowly lift them. Make sure your dog feels safe by bringing her close to your chest when you are carrying her.

QShould I carry my dog up the stairs?

A dog that cannot climb stairs that has had surgery, or that is taking sedative medication can be transported, provided that it is safe for both the animal and its owner. Larger dogs that cannot be carried repeatedly up and down the stairs should avoid them whenever possible.


Every dog owner should know what tips to consider when taking a large dog upstairs. A comfortable journey for the dog must be the top priority. Your dog may be unable to or unwilling to go upstairs alone for various reasons. In an unusual case, consult a veterinarian. We hope our article on how to carry a large dog upstairs has been helpful to you and has made your life as a dog parent more enjoyable.

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