How to Get Wax Out of Cat Fur? 5 Easy Steps

Every cat owner knows that cats can get themselves into trouble easily. Although you kept your cat away from the candle and kept an eye on it, your cat did manage to get to it. Your cat may get wax on its fur from messing with the candle. To learn how to get wax out of cat fur, keep reading.
You will understand how difficult it is to clean your hair after getting wax in it. This does not sound fun, particularly with your frightened cat. Most of the time, you won’t need to panic when trying to remove wax from your cat’s hair. Your cat’s skin will not be burned if the candle wax is not near its face. Here are some tips for removing candle wax from your cat’s fur.
Table of Contents
Before Eliminating Wax from Your Cat Fur
Before I tell you how to get wax out of cat fur, remember some things.
How Much Wax is on Your Feline
A small part of candle wax is easy to eradicate. However, the issue comes if it’s around your cat’s face and the body and in an extreme amount which can be problematic to eradicate easily.
Find the Category of Wax
It is important to know what type of wax it is for it to be eliminated. If it is unadulterated beeswax, it is the most unsafe kind of wax that can lead to burns. In this case, ensure to visit a vet. Instead, Paraffin wax is the least hazardous kind of wax in terms of triggering burns as it burns cooler. Likewise, Scented wax is also not as intimidating for your cat.
Lastly, Evaluate the Damage
Assess the harm triggered by the wax. Notice if there are some burns. If burns or bare patches exist, try to keep your feline calm and visit a vet. Do not panic—that won’t aid your cat!
Now that you know the amount, kind, and damage triggered by wax, you can better handle it. Remember that some breeds’ hair will react differently to wax compared to others due to the difference in their coat size, viscosity, and whether it is curly or straight. For instance, removing wax will be a bit more difficult if it is curly than for felines with straight hair.
How to Get Wax Out of Cat Fur? 5 Steps

1. Removing hardened wax
Your cat’s fur will stick to the candle even if it is paraffin wax. When it hardens, it might be possible to remove it, but there will likely be bits left on the fur. Taking them off may leave the skin exposed. You can brush your cat with a fine-toothed comb instead of rubbing it with lip balm.
2. Use Baby Oil
Apply baby or mineral oil to a cotton swab now. You can rub the swab on your cat’s fur and the wax on their skin by soaking it in the oil then rubbing it in. Use plenty of oil on the swab. Oil is an effective way of removing wax.
3. Use Ice cube
Hardened candle wax can be effectively removed from carpet fiber by using ice. You might even be able to remove it from your cat’s fur. All you have to do is place an ice cube on top. When the ice hardens, it becomes brittle. If you use your fingers to break down the wax, you will be able to remove it.
4. Scentsy wax on a cat
When your cat gets into your wax burner, but the burn isn’t too severe, you can use a hot washcloth to soften the wax. Make sure you leave it on for long enough for the wax to soften without burning your cat.
Scentsy wax on a cat will likely be the easiest to remove since it melts at a low temperature. It sticks together better than other kinds of candle wax, so it crumbles less easily. Instead of crumbling, it remains sticky, which makes it more difficult to remove.
It will soften if you use a warm source, then you can use a comb to remove what is left. Rub until only small fragments remain after removing debris.
5. Hair trimming
Generally, scented or bug-repellent candles are not safe, as well as candles containing a lot of fragrance oils. The skin of some cats is very sensitive to fragrance oils, and these can cause skin irritation if they are in contact with them for an extended period.
Moreover, the scent of highly scented wax can make your cat want to lick and consume more wax than is healthy for him. It is best to clip your cat’s fur, especially if it has just a little wax if your cat does not like being handled and does not tolerate heat or an ice cube to remedy the wax situation.
Your feline will look a bit odd after cutting its fur. The cut will be rough, and your cat will appear trivial. You can go to the groomer far ahead; however, to style your kitten’s hair to make it appear more satisfying.
Then, focus on averting this condition from occurring again. Get a safer site for your candles. Seek a place where your feline won’t get it quickly or wherever your candles won’t fall onto your fluffy friend or yourself.
Scentsy wax on your cat
If your feline got into the wax burner, you could soften the wax by smearing a hot washcloth to the part. Leave it to soften the wax; however, not long enough that it burns your cat’s skin. This wax melts at a low temperature; thus, Scentsy wax on your cat would possibly be the easiest to eliminate.
The issue is that it doesn’t grind like other kinds of candle wax. As an alternative, it can stay glued, which can make it more exciting. Try to utilize a mild heat source to let it soften and then keep wiping it until it’s disappeared. Small quantities of standard candle wax are harmless to swallow.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is candle wax toxic to cats if ingested?
When ingested, candle wax does not present any health risks to cats, but it can cause diarrhea, problems urinating and vomiting. Some people wonder if candle wax can kill a cat. The answer is no. Symptoms of wax ingestion include lethargy, loss of appetite, and difficulty passing it. Your cat will need to see a veterinarian if these symptoms appear.
Q: Is Scentsy wax toxic to cats?
It is still possible for Scentsy wax bars to be dangerous to cats, even though they are manufactured from food-grade paraffin wax and do not contain toxic materials. The ingestion of these wax melts can cause great harm to cats since they contain highly concentrated substances that spread pleasant smells.
Place an ice cube on fur to make the wax hard; after that, break it off using your fingers. Use a metal comb for grooming to eliminate any bits. Use coconut oil to soften it, and be worthy for your cat’s skin. When you are unable to remove it using the ice or coconut oil, the other best idea is to cut it.
Q: Is olive oil safe for my cat?
Olive oil is deliberated a healthy part of the human diet; however, can cats consume olive oil? Of course, although it might not be a perfect idea. Even though olive oil isn’t deliberated toxic to cats, eating excessive fat comprising olive oil can cause your cat to encounter diarrhea as well as vomiting.
Conclusion: How to Get Wax Out of Cat Fur?
A cat getting hurt is never a good thing. Especially if this is your first time in this situation, it can be very frightening and nerve-wracking. Candle wax covering your cat isn’t common, but it can happen. Luckily, the tips above should help you safely get wax out of cat fur.