How to Stud My Labrador retriever? Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

How to stud my Labrador retriever? Is it safe? Do you need an agreement? If you are new to dog breeding, it’s usual to have many questions. So consider our article to making your Labrador retriever a stud.
We all think our Labs are the prettiest floofs around. However, we need to keep in mind that the purpose of trustworthy breeding must be to improve the dog breed. This is perhaps the most significant thing to remember your dog breeding method, particularly when you are making your Labrador retriever a stud.
Research shows that The threshold model is more suitable for estimating genetic parameters and breeding values for hip dysplasia in Czech Labrador Retrievers than the linear model.
Table of Contents
What are the requirements for stud dogs?
To consider stud work, your canine should be a perfect symbol of his breed. But also consider his personality and health. Consider the following points:
Breed Standard – does your dog represent the breed effectively? Is he free from defects? If you are insecure about this, you should meet with a skilled breeder or someone experienced of the breed.
Temperament – is he an honorable member of the dog community? Is he well socialized? If so! Your dog will likely pass these characters onto his offspring.
Health – is it good to stud my pooch? Is he free from health-related problems? Always ask your vet for suitable tests before making a stud contract.
Registration – is your dog registered with the kennel club? Preferably, all dogs must be registered once breeding to make sure bloodlines are followed and breed health sustained.
Prowess – has he presented himself to outdo in the show ring? Dog sports? Anything that can indicate he’s a model breed example will make him an attractive stud dog.
Fertility – you may need to have his fertility tested, to make sure that any breeding efforts will most likely be effective.
No canine is perfect, and matching with the accurate bitch is an excellent way to compensate any ‘flaws’. However, by considering breed standards as well as your dog’s health at first place, you will start in the right direction.
Why Make My Labrador retriever A Stud Dog?

A stud Labrador is a male dog that is bred to female dogs. This is conceded out in return for money, or something of the same value like a puppy. To stud your pooch you’ll require health tests, awards, confirmation of great temperament qualities, and a way to show breeders that your canine exists!
Numerous female dog owners also need help from the stud dog’s holder regarding the facts of the mating procedure, and even nurturing a litter. Thus, ideally you will have to be a skilled breeder.
People think about giving their dog at stud for many reasons. Occasionally they do it as they need to earn some money. Quite frequently, they do it as they very much need a ‘chip off the old block’. What could be more ordinary than to need another friend similar to your pretty boy. So, it takes more than a wonderful pet to make an excellent stud dog.
How Old Does a Male Labrador retriever Have to Be to Breed?
Before making your Lab a stud, it’s significant to wait until he has completely sexually matured. For smaller dog breeds, this can be achieved at approximately 8 to 10 months; however, for larger dog breeds, this would not happen until they are approximately two years of age.
Usually, dogs are the most fertile at approximately two years of age. Thus, it would be better to wait until this appropriate age to stud them. If you are not sure, check with expert vet who can guide you on your dog’s maturity, and whether it’s good to start the procedure of stud work.
What Stud Dog Features Does My Labrador Have?
The owners of female canines are really picky regarding a dog that fathers their puppies to be. Therefore, if your dog doesn’t fulfill their desires, you will have to wait for those emails as well as phone calls hopelessly. This is what female dog owners are seeking:
- Health tests
- Excellent temperament
- Achievement, success and success
How Much Cost Is Required To Stud Your Dog?
You might be surprised to see that there are significant costs involved in possessing a stud dog as well. Mostly in the form of mandatory health tests. However, there are also less noticeable costs.
Essential Health Tests for Labrador Retriever Stud Dogs

Labradors can be predisposed to many inborn diseases. And it is important that your dog is tested for inherited issues long before he ever goes close to a mate. These are some of the key tests your dog will require:
- Hip and elbow scoring
- EIC (DNA test for exercise encouraged collapse)
- DNA test for centronuclear myopathy
- SD2 (test for dwarfism)
Additional tests are being discovered for emerging illnesses repeatedly. The DNA examinations will cost you around $60-$200 PER TEST if you have a Labrador stud dog. You’ll pay extra if you have the tests completed through your vet. However, that might be easier for you.
The OFA examinations are more of a great deal. Your dog will attend the animal hospital and be sedated. Then he will have his hips as well as elbows x-rayed. This will cost around hundreds of dollars.
After that, the x-rays are sent off to be categorized and that will require another fee. Apparently, if your dog would be a career as a stud dog, you’d ultimately see a return on these prices.
Nevertheless, they would be a huge outlay for a particular mating. Something to ponder. So let’s undertake you do need your beautiful boy to have a consistent gig, making equally beautiful puppies.
How to Stud My Labrador retriever?
There are not typically any legal requirements for the usage of a stud dog, in addition to those preserved in our animal welfare rules. The Kennel Clubs might have some brief recommendations but they frequently apply to the female dog’s owners.
Therefore, you won’t have any lawful hoops to experience to stud your dog; however, you will have numerous logistical ones. Initially, there is the query of how to carry out ‘getting established’ so that the proprietors of female dogs can catch you. Do you place an advertisement, and if so where?
We have to talk about other needs. Temperament, as well as success. For a while let’s explore this from the female dog owner’s opinion.
When to Stud Your Labrador retriever?

All these requirements should have been met in advance you place that initial advert. You should wait until your pooch.
- Has been completely health tested with outstanding results
- Is completely mature
- Has attained success in the show ring
- When you have enough experience
The great place to start is by becoming involved with a club you need your dog to outshine at. So if your Lab is from show lines, then you can become involved in arriving him in your native shows.
If your dog is from working lines, you’ll have to become involved in hunt examinations. You’ll need help from a club or more skilled trainers. When your dog performs well, then it might be worth investing. And getting some knowledge with a local breeder, consider matings and learn how to handle difficult matings.
When Do Stud Labradors Retire?
Retiring your stud Labrador is a decision that should happen between you as well as your vet. You’ll need to remember:
Fertility: Conception rates will reduce as your Lab naturally get fertility issues with age.
Breed: Smaller dog breeds will generally lose most of their fertility at 7 years of age, while older breeds commonly retire at approximately 10 years of age.
Wellbeing: It’s significant to ensure your pooch is injury as well as pain-free before breeding, particularly if they have any joint problems that can make the procedure painful for them.
How much does it cost to stud a Labrador retriever?
The average cost for all colors appears to be approximately £300 to £400.
What does the stud owner get?
The stud owner can request a cash fee, one or more pups from the resulting litter. The collection of the fee is the stud owner’s duty.
Final Verdict
We are confident that you found this article to making your Labrador a stud useful! Has it made you ponder whether running a stud facility is right for you as well as your dog? Whatever your decision, your Lab’s health and the well-being of their offspring depend upon breeders like you making sound preferences, with guidance from their vet. Therefore, be sure to work carefully with them to make a stud service to be proud of.