How long do Rottweilers live? Latest Guide

How long do Rottweilers live

If you’re a pet parent, you may think of losing your beloved pet as your worst nightmare. How long do Rottweilers live is one of the most common questions prospective owners have. The average Rottweiler lives 8 to 10 years. In comparison to other dogs, Rottweilers live shorter lives.

Unlike dogs of similar size and weight, the Rottweiler has a shorter life expectancy. The lifespan of Rottweilers is determined by several factors. Of particular significance is the risk of cancer. In Rottweilers, neoplasia, a leading cause of death, is common due to its large size.

Age, genetics, hormones, and sex are other contributing factors that affect the lifespan of a Rottweiler. Throughout this article, we will take a close look at how long do Rottweilers live and what factors affect the life span of Rottweilers.

How long do Rottweilers live? 7 Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Rottweilers

Rottweilers certainly have a shorter lifespan rather than other dogs of their size as well as weight. Several factors affect the Rottweiler’s lifecycle. In this guide, I will have a detailed look at all of these factors so you can choose what can be done to increase your favorite Rottweiler’s lifecycle.

Although some factors can be handled very quickly, for example, diet and environment, others can be overwhelming, such as size, health, hormones, gender, genes, and age. As of now, you have found out how long do Rottweilers live; now, let’s dive into the factors that affect the life span of Rottweilers.

  1. Size

According to research, a 4.4-pound (2 kg) weight gain will reduce a dog’s life expectancy by one month. So, larger dogs generally live shorter lives than smaller dogs. Also, bigger dogs age more rapidly than smaller ones. In other words, an 8-year-old Rottweiler is a senior to a Chihuahua of a similar age, physiologically. Due to their size, Rottweilers age more quickly and are more susceptible to developing medical conditions that ultimately result in death.

  1. Neutering and Spaying

Spaying and neutering Rottweilers are critical to their health and lifespan. When it comes to Rottweilers, research suggests that delaying spaying or neutering is safer than spaying or neutering as soon as possible. The age of neutering Rottweilers correlates with their lifespans, according to a study.

Rottweilers who are neutered before they reach their first birthday are more likely to develop osteosarcoma, a cancer of the bones that often occurs in Rottweilers. According to the study, endogenous sexual hormones help prevent bone cancer, which ultimately increases life expectancy.

Furthermore, the researchers noted that female dogs whose ovaries were removed before they reached the age of four lived shorter lives. In other words, the ovaries may be involved in biological processes that increase longevity due to hormonal influence.

The likelihood that a Rottweiler will live to a ripe old age decreases if it is spayed at a very young age. Please consult your veterinarian regarding the ideal time to spay or neuter your pet.

  1. Health Disorders

Due to their large size, Rottweilers have a high risk of developing health disorders. The fact that they’re a large breed of dog causes them to develop more disorders as they grow older. As a result, Rottweilers and other large dogs are more prone to age-related diseases.

Among Rottweilers, cancer or neoplasia causes the majority of deaths. The breed’s size is directly responsible for this. In larger dogs, the body can accommodate more cell divisions due to their size.

The problem is that when your dog stops growing, what makes it large becomes dangerous to its health. At this point, the cells divide abnormally and grow abnormally, which is known as neoplasia.

  1. Genes

The genetic makeup of Rottweilers is just as important to determining their lifespan as their physical health. A good breeder plays an important role here. Breeding Rottweilers with few to no hereditary problems will result in healthier puppies than carelessly bred Rottweilers.

  1. Sex

The female Rottweiler lives longer than the male Rottweiler. This may be because males are usually bigger than females. When fully developed, a fully grown adult male weighs approximately 135 pounds, and a fully developed female weighs approximately 100 pounds.

If we use the above analogy in which an increase of 4.4 pounds results in one month of a Rottweiler’s life expectancy, then the increase of 35 pounds will lead to eight months of reduced life expectancy.

  1. Environment

It is possible to extend your Rottweiler’s lifespan by nurturing its environment. An effective exercise program, proper nutrition, and a healthy diet can all extend your dog’s lifespan. The extra weight of your dog can be cut down if it has a healthy, active environment. A healthy, active environment makes it less likely to get heart problems. In this way, you may even be able to prevent diabetes.

  1. Age

In Rottweilers younger than 10 years of age, cancers are more likely to develop. The risk drops after this age. To ensure that these dogs live ten years without developing cancer, it is vital to understand the circumstances that would make this possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do Rottweilers usually die from?

Recently, it was shown that cancer, most commonly lymphoma, is one of the most common causes of death for Rottweilers.

Q: How long has a Rottweiler lived?

Bort, who lives in Holliston, Massachusetts, is the oldest known Rottweiler, and he is 13 years old.

Q: Can you tell me how old my Rottweiler is in human years?

To put it in simple terms, 15 human years equal one year of a medium-sized dog’s life. A dog’s second year is equal to a person’s 9 years. From that point forward, a dog’s year is roughly equivalent to five human years.

Q: At what age do Rottweilers slow down?

Rottweilers mature slowly, just like many large breeds. Rottweiler dogs are typically not fully grown until they are 2 or 3 years old, although their adult height is usually determined by age. Age will cause the chests of these dogs to expand, which will transform them into massive animals.


On the whole, in the end, there’s only much more you can do as a Rottweiler owner. However, all you can do, you must do as it’s definite to enhance your Rottweiler’s lifecycle either directly or indirectly. Having more and more experts focusing on knowing how to increase the life of Rottweiler, it’s just a subject of time till they turn up with an actual solution.
In the interim, a mature Rottweiler has a lifecycle of around 8 to 9 years. But you must use measures to enhance this figure by making a nurturing environment, preserving high levels of sanitation, exercising it frequently, and delivering the suggested vaccination dosages.

The purpose of the discussion was to get a general understanding of Rottweiler’s lifespan. There is a short life expectancy for Rottweilers in comparison to other breeds of a similar size, ranging between eight to nine years. You can certainly prolong the life of your dog if you eliminate the factors listed above.

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